About Me

My photo
Gilbert, Arizona
I am Kristin Scent of Kristin's Sassy Creations. Kristin's Sassy Creations Blog is all about sharing, learning and encouraging one another with our creativity! I love playing with my hot glue gun and making whatever I can think of! It started with Diaper Cakes and went into Hair Accessories and Sock Bouquets and my creations continue! I love to share my unique and sassy creations with others and love when others share their creativity with me!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


So I decided to start a newsletter for Kristin's Sassy Creations! Im so excited! I have a long list of ideas! And am wanting more so any ideas of what to put in the newsletter would be awesome! I am going to have specials, fun facts, new items, reviews of others products, etc. I watched The Talk yesterday and there was a woman named Tory Johnson on there, She was talking about how to spark & hustle it was a motivaiting program. It talked about not waiting for your business to take off but to make it take off. So I am bound and determined to do just that.  My goal is to tell as many people as I can about Kristin's Sassy Creations and why it is so great!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Sassy Girl Contest!

So Kristin's Sassy Creations is taking entries for their Sassy Girl Creations! Email a pic of your sassy girl to mysassycreations@hotmail.com , name and age. Entry deadline is Friday@ 11am. If you do not recieve a reply email then we did not recieve your photo. Friday afternoon the voting will begin. Tell all your friends and family to go to http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=502085178#!/pages/Kristins-Sassy-Creations/150621071653905 and "like the page AND your pic of your sassy girl! Sassy Girl with most votes wins a Vintage Pink Flower Clip w/ crochet headband and a memory board!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I was on Price Is Right!

Ok so now I can talk about it since it aired on 1/24/11. My 2 aunts and my best friend and I road tripped over to LA to go to The Price is Right! In line at 4am got our tickets! After a long waiting process, to my surprise I was called down to contestants row AND was the first one called down. I litterally thought I was going to pass out. I have never been so excited in all my life. It was an amazing overwhelming expierence!  Here is the link! http://www.cbs.com/daytime/the_price_is_right/video/

A scooter and a $300 gift card and a awesome expierence PRICELESS!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Another Salon Selling our Hair Clips!!!!

So I am very excited to report that Copper Via Salon Studios in Sarasota, Florida is going to be selling our Sassy Hair Clips! When I started this business my main product I thought would be our Diaper Cakes. And I guess because of my years in the Beauty industry I have more contacts with Salons so this part of my business is taking off quicker than the diaper cakes and other gifts. So I cant complain! So that means I need to start making more clips! So far the most popular are my ladybug hair clips. They are pretty adorable. Please tell me which ones you think are cute? Feedback is always good! I always appreciate other's thoughts! Thanks!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

First Sale!!

So I thought I would share with you my first sale! As you know my hair accesssories are for sale now in Center of attention Salon in Texas and yesterday I sold my first piece!!! I dont know why I was so surprised but it happened so quickly. I know I make quality sassy products but it was just a super nice suprise. I am super sick right now with bronchitius and I have been on the couch for 2 days. I am bummed because I wanted to spend this weekend getting more pictures up on my website of my diaper cakes but I just dont have the UMPF right now! So that might have to wait til later in the week or next weekend. I am seeing the popularity of my hair clips grow so I am thinking of contacting some salons or boutiques to see if they would be interested in letting me sell them in their shop. Any places you all can think of or people you may know who might want to sell them? Another idea I have is to donate hair clips to anyone who would like to review my product and them blog about it on their blog. So if your are interested in that please let me know! I am always open to doing the same for others. Anything I can do to help because that is how my business is growing is from the help of others!  Well I better go rest for now. Talk to you soon!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

First Test Run

So today is my first test run of selling my hair clips in a salon. My friend's sister owns a salon in Lumberton Texas called Center of Attention and said she would allow me to sell my hair clips there to see how they do. YAY! I am excited. My goal is hopefully to find some more salons that will let me sell them there or rent a shelf in their store. So this is the first of many hopefully! I was supposed to have it ready today because my friend was flying out today and was taking it all out there but I have been sickie poo the last few days and took Nyquil last night and passed out at 6:30pm so I was up at 6am running around trying to make sure it was all together. Ive learned my lesson dont wait til the last minute. lol...Anyone know some hair salons that might me sell or rent space to sell hair clips?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My first Blog

Ok so this is the first time I have done anything like this. I am starting a new business and it was suggested to me that I start a blog. So I hope you all find this journey as exciting as I think it is. I am a nanny of 4. Ages starting at 2 up to 9. So my day to day life is full of pure raw entertainment. This whole journey began when my friend Bethany was pregnant with her first child. I was throwing her a shower and wanted to get her something different, special, unique, and just plain awesome so my boss Rana gave me the idea to make a diaper cake. That was exactly what I was looking for. So that was my first diaper cake I made. Then there was another shower for another friend and of course I had to make a diaper cake. Well the diaper cakes were such a hit at these showers that my husband suggested selling them and thats when the fun began and my imagination ran wild. It went from Diaper cakes to Wedding Towel Cakes and Hair Clips and baby sock bouquets etc. I loved it so much I started creating them all and started an online store called Kristin's Sassy Creations. Everyday I continue to add more products as I make them. I will take you along my journey on my road to success and any entertaining that happens along the way. Here we go!

My first Diaper Cake I made